Mischief Monday

I hope you all enjoyed your VE celebrations and had a restful weekend.

This week we are looking at pirates! Pirates can sometimes be unkind and need rules to help them not become too mischievous ! Pirates also speak a bit differently from the way we do so each day I’m including a rule to remind pirates how we would like them to behave. It is written in the way a pirate would talk. Let’s see if you can work out what the rule means.

 As part of todays work you are going to be busy, making a telescope and also seeing if you can sleep like a pirate (I think your grown ups will like that activity !). All pirates need a boat to sail in. Can you design and make your own ship? You can use things around your house and garden. Think about the things you would like on your ship.

Have fun xx


Monday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – x
Set 2 – ay
Set 3 – ur

You are collecting treasure today. You can use the sheets I’ve included or make your own. You need a box to collect your treasure in and a list of words or sounds you are learning. You can print off the ones on the sheets if you want. Place the cards down on the floor or table. Turn over each card if you can say the word or sound you can collect a piece of treasure (Could be coins or buttons whatever you decide.) How much treasure can you collect?

Literacy You can listen to the story, The Night Pirates on YouTube on CBeebies bedtime stories.

I want you to decide what you would be like if you were a pirate. What you wear or say and what job could you do? You can use the sheet to help you.

Maths Go to Whiterose maths Summer Term Week 2 Day 1 – Pirate use a telescope to see objects in the distance. You are given the task to make a telescope and decorate itusing a repeating pattern. It might come in useful for your tasks this week.

I think your grown ups will enjoy the next challenge. Ask your grown up to be a judge and see how long you can pretend to be asleep!

There’s a sheet to practise your number formation.

Other areas of learning I want you to think about what sort of ship you would sail in? Can you design your own ship? Think of some of the things you need to include eg a sail, an anchor. Could you make your own ship using boxes and things you might have in your house or garden? You might want to make one you can sit in!



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