Mental Health & Well-Being

At St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, we are always looking for ways to support and improve our mental health and well-being. Children are given many opportunities to learn strategies to help them to manage difficult situations during PSHE and group interventions. We also run Relax Kids sessions and include mindful activity sessions.  Our Y6 children attended a Mental Health Champions workshop and are trained to promote health and well-being among the other students.

Senior Mental Health Lead: Nicola Noble

Senior Mental Health Lead: Ruth Donnelly

Mental Health and Well-Being Governor: Laura Bell

Please click on the links below to see the latest news.

World Mental Health Day 2024 News

Children’s Mental Health Week 2024

World Mental Health Day 2023

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

Our Mental Health & Well-Being ambassadors are around school helping us to raise awareness and promoting positive mental health for all.

These are some of the brilliant programmes and interventions that our trained staff offer in school.


If you need any support with Mental Health and Well-being, please take a look at our useful links and resources.

Contact details are available here for services provided in our local area.

Social Emotional and Mental Health Resources from Durham




Click on these links for more information about Mental Health and Well-Being

NHS UK Every Mind Matters


Young Minds

Free resources

Mental Health Foundation


Some useful resources for children and parents to try at home.

Primary Age Mental Health Pack

A great game to play alone or with friends.