Our Curriculum


At St. Cuthbert’s we want pupils to leave our school with a sense of belonging and purpose in our world: following Christ’s teachings to use their uniqueness and talents to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.  We develop curious, independent and aspirational learners who respect the talents and individuality of everyone in our school community.

Our curriculum provision equips our pupils with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need for life in the modern world and prepares them for life long learning and success in their future.  Senior Leaders and Curriculum Coordinators are clear about the key knowledge they want pupils to know and remember: our schemes of work show progression in helping children to acquire this knowledge in a meaningful way and are designed to help pupils remember what they have been taught.

By having a clear understanding of our pupils and their needs and talents, staff ensure that teaching in all areas of the curriculum is inclusive, supportive, challenging and enriching. We use adaptive teaching strategies and deploy staff thoughtfully so that all pupils are supported to achieve alongside their year group. Targeted support and intervention is given where needed to ensure all learners develop and learn taking into account their individual needs. We challenge our pupils with depth and extension and develop and celebrate talents right across our curriculum. Children with SEND and additional needs thrive in our school and are given high aspirations and personalised support. Our Accessibility Strategy (Equality Act 2010) details our targets to further improve participation and achievement for pupils with SEND in our curriculum. Further information on how we are complying with ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014‘ can be found on our SEND pages.

We build on pupils’ knowledge by giving them opportunities to be confident, creative and critical thinkers who work well individually and collaboratively. We offer many opportunities to develop resilience, to make links between curriculum areas and to learn in different and memorable ways both in and out of the classroom. We make meaningful links with our community – our parish; our local area; our heritage; and our global responsibility and stewardship. Our Catholic faith is integrated into every aspect of our learning and Gospel values are at the core of everything we teach.

The current primary focus for curriculum development at St Cuthbert’s is to ensure our schemes of work are thoroughly progressive, relevant and purposeful. We are proud to be part of Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust and are committed to working with colleagues to ensure our curriculum uses the resources and expertise of the Trust to provide a joined up curriculum with KS3 in St Bede’s, St. Anthony’s and St. Aidan’s. Senior Leaders are committed to giving staff the time and professional development opportunities they need to implement this and to reflect on the impact it has.

What role does our governing body play in ensuring good curriculum provision?
Our governing body works closely with subject leads to monitor the curriculum. All governors are updated in termly governing body meetings and subject areas are allocated a link governor who meets termly with subject leads to discuss priorities and progress and look at work in school.

Our Curriculum Policy can be found here

Details of our Remote Learning provision can be found here

To find out more about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Parlett: