Welcome to St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School website.
Every member of our school community at St. Cuthbert’s is unique, talented and loved by God. We strive for excellence and live our lives to the full with Christ in our head, in our hands and in our hearts.
We hope our website gives you a good picture of our school community and we strongly encourage you to visit or get in touch to find out more about our lovely school family.
Nicola Noble
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As part of our Evolution and Inheritance science topic, Y6 conducted an experiment based on Charles Darwin's theory of why different finches have different shaped beaks. We used different objects to act as beaks and different materials to act as food. We then competed against each other to see which beak would pick up the most food in 30 seconds. We found out that different beak shapes are suited to different types of food.
Well done to our first Stars Of The Week for 2025. Everyone has come back from their Christmas holidays refreshed and worked hard this week. Lots of certificates and house group points were awarded.
Our wonderful catering staff are offering a special themed tunch on Thursday 16th January. The theme is Wild West Lunches. Please see the image below for menu choices. If your child has a school dinner, they will be offered this special lunch automatically. If your child has a packed lunch but would like to enjoy this special lunch, please let the school office know as soon as possible.
Today Year 2 have taken part in a RSPB bird watch following this week’s picture news. We ticked off what we saw. We saw lots of pigeons, blackbirds and seagulls.
On Thursday 16th January we will be serving a ‘Wild West Lunch’ - see below for the menu choices. If your child is currently on packed lunch and would like to have the Wild West lunch please let the school office know. All children in Reception-Year 2 receive a free school lunch . For children in Year 3-6 who are not eligible for Free School Meals there is a charge of £2.50 payable on ParentPay Thank you for your continued support.
Birdwatch is an annual event which gives people the chance to count birds that visit our gardens. After our school assembly we were set a challenge of finding out how many different birds we could find in our school grounds. We got very excited to find crows, magpies, wood pigeons, blackbirds, seagulls and a pied - wag tail !