Reception Class

Welcome to Reception Class.

The staff team in Reception Class are Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Cook.

Mrs Wilkinson is the class teacher and Mrs Cook is in class every day.   Mrs Strong will teach in class every Friday afternoon.

In Autumn Term our PE day is Thursday and children should come to school in PE kits on this day.

The Long Term Overview below shows you what we are learning about in different subjects across the year . 

Children will have break times on our small yard to begin with but eventually will play with friends in all other year groups on the field and main yard. In Reception Class, children will get a special buddy in Year 6 who will help to look after them and welcome them to school You will get an opportunity to meet your child’s buddy in the Autumn term.

Please make sure that children have wellies and plimsolls in school so that they can play with all of our outdoor equipment all year round. 


All About Reception Class – transition support booklet

Long Term Overview

English Long Term Overview

Maths Long Term Overview