Tuesday 2nd June

Tuesday 2nd June


Today you will be subtracting 3-digit numbers from 3 –digit numbers – no exchange.

The link for the video you will need is


If you are working on the turquoise sheets you need to go to BBC Bitesize. The lesson today is sharing. I had attached the sheets for both.

Remember to go on Times Table rockstars.



Todays English is exploring fronted adverbials. Watch the short clip about how to use them, and then take the fronted adverbial quiz. There are another 3 activities. See if you can do at least 2 of them. You choose the ones you would like to do.

I have also attached a handwriting practise sheet for spellings.

If you can, spend some time reading today. I love to take some time to read quietly. It’s especially nice if the weather is nice and I can sit in the garden. Where’s your favourite reading place?




Today you are going to learn the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.

Think about:

What is the point of flowers? Discuss this question with your family members.

Look at the slides that show the process of fertilisation and seed formation. Once you have looked at the slide try to complete the attached worksheet. Fill in the missing words on the comic strip using the word bank to help you. Then draw pictures to show how a bee pollinates a flower.



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