Tuesday 24th March

Today you can go on a shape hunt either inside or outside and then record your results on a chart. You can use purple mash to create it. Click on purple mash and then go into mini mash if you click on the shapes the little boy is playing with it will take you to 2 count, click on that it will take you to a screen where you can find shapes. You need to look for circle, rectangle, square, triangle, heart and star shapes either outside or inside and then show your results on a chart.
What shape has the most? What shape has the least?

Using your tangram pieces can you complete Bob’s challenge ?

Can you find a book and see if you can find these words in it?

he, she, we, me, was, be, the.

If you want to do some baking Twinkl (a website you can access for free at the minute ) has some good recipes. I might try the tablespoon biscuit recipe. The children can measure the ingredients out using tablepoons. There are also some easy to follow instructions.

Some children have enjoyed doing some exercises with Joe Wicks who is on Youtube at 9 am everyday. Don’t forget Super movers it is so important to keep fit and healthy.

Don’t forget to collect lots of empty boxes over the next few weeks. Reception Class will amaze you with the things they can create with cardboard boxes!

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