Thursday 21st May

In English we are going to write up our diary entries today. You need to use your ideas from yesterday’s lesson and remember that you can use ‘show not tell’ to explain how the man was feeling. Write in first person as if this happened to you. I have included a possible timeline of events below. Remember to use a chatty style to explain how you felt as each even happened. Try some dramatic dashes to add comments and use rhetorical questions. Here is how I would begin my diary – you can use it if you would like to:

Alright, I know it sounds mad when I say it out loud, so let’s try writing it down: flying frogs. Okay, yes – I know – that still doesn’t seem right. But, you know what? I’m sure it’s true!

In maths we are continuing with fractions and today we are going to be adding and subtracting fractions like yesterday. Watch the lesson and complete the sheets attached below.

In science today we are going to think about the life cycles of two different animals – a frog which is an amphibian and a butterfly which is an insect. Both of these animals go through a change called ‘metamorphosis’ where their bodies completely change appearance. You can find out more about each of the animals by following the links below. Make sure you look at all the links so you can answer the questions in the quiz.



Task 1: Choose one of these animals to complete a life cycle diagram / explanation for

Task 2: Have a go at this Kahoot quiz which covers some of the learning you have done in science this half term. You might want to quickly look back at parts of a flower first!

For a quick active blast today why not try this Thinking Thursday activity

Finally, today is Ascension Thursday. I have included a presentation to help you remember the story of Ascension Thursday.

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