Thursday 18th June

Hello to all year 6 children working at home.

For our maths work on ratio today we are moving onto looking at how we can calculate ratio. You are encouraged to draw bar models to represent your problems, and clearly label the information they have been given and what they want to calculate.
Please ask if you need additional support with your bar models but I have attached an example of Q1 to google classroom to try and break down how to do it.

For English today after you have completed your reading plus you are going to think about this question:
“The Ickabog, a terrible monster or a harmless creature?”
Draw a set of scales before you select 3 pieces of evidence for why you think it is a monster and 3 why you think it is a harmless creature. Put these down either side of your scales. After weighing up your evidence draw a conclusion as to what you think the Ickabog is and why.

Remember for your conclusion you need to write what you think with evidence, acknowledge you have looked at the opposing argument using language such as “on the other hand” “despite”
Then use your final piece of evidence to support your findings to conclude what you think.

Once you have complete this, read chapter 3.

I’d like you to think about your move to secondary school. First of all, I would like you to create a timeline of significant events in your life using the template to support you on google classroom. These could be any important milestones, starting nursery, starting school etc.
Then I would like you to complete the transition sheet on google classroom to give me an insight of how you are feeling leading up to moving to secondary school as over the next few weeks I will be speaking to teachers from your new schools and would like to share with them what you are looking forward too and your worries (if you have any!)

Finally, just for fun, have a look on the BBC Bitesize music page
Choose an area to learn about and share it on the class stream 🙂 If not, you could take some time playing your instrument or learning a song.

Remember to submit your work. Have a good day year 6! 🙂

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