When I went for a walk last weekend I went to Hawthorn Beach and found this enormous fish on the beach. It’s not quite a whale but it is enormous. All week we have been learning about the snail in the story. Today I thought it might be nice to look at the whale. Because it is fun Friday I’ve included lots of craft activities you might want to do. If you have some old socks you might want to turn them into a fish! The fish that I found on the beach is made out of rocks and stones and other objects you can find on a beach. You might want to make a picture of a whale or fish using objects you can find around the house or in the garden.
For your writing today can you answer some questions that the curious whale asks you ? You need to try and read the sentences yourself remember to use your phonic knowledge to help you.
In your White Rose maths you are talking about using the words higher and lower to describe the position of the snail on the wall. I’ve also included a dot to dot as a fun activity using numbers up to 23.Your active task is to use some paper plates with numbers on. You could throw the fish you make onto the targets and work out how many points you get.
There are lots of craft activity ideas so that you can have some creative time.
Have fun and have a lovely weekend xxx

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