Monday 18th May

Monday 18th May


Good morning Year 3. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Let me know what you have been up to. I love to hear or see photos of how you are getting on. If I haven’t heard from you in a little while, pop onto Google classroom and send me a message to let me know how you are and if there’s anything you need help with.

I am in school on Tuesday and Friday this week so I will give you a ring to see how things are.


This week on BBC bitesize and White Rose home learning, the maths is learning about fractions. As we have recently covered this, I am attaching alternative videos and work. Of course if you wanted to go over fractions please do.

I have attached the ‘Already covered this content’ sheet, which has the link to the videos.

Today you will be adding and subtracting 1 and 2 digit numbers.

Today’s video link is https://vimeo/417332039

As always, if you find this work tricky, go on to Year 2 BBC Bitesize. Today you will be covering repeated addition and multiplication: Symbol. Remember you will need the turquoise sheet.

The link you need is:


Continue with Times Table Rockstars. How are you getting on?




We will be continuing with BBC Bitesize this week. Today’s lesson is Fact and Opinion. We have watched this song a few times before. If you can remember it sing along. There are 3 activities to complete. Try to do at least 2.

The link you need is:

Have you been on Reading Plus lately? Let me know how you are getting on. You could also let me know what book you are reading. I’m reading The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. Hopefully we can read it together when we return.

Spellings this week:


scope                   telescope

microscope             horoscope

periscope               inspect

spectator               respect

perspective             spectacles


I’ve added a wordsearch if you would like to do it.


This week I thought it would be nice to do some science activities. Today we are going to learn about different parts of the plant and what each part does.

Can you label the flower sheet and find out what each part does? Write the function of each part under the label.

This week I would like you to plant some bean seeds. If your grown up is out shopping, dried beans from the supermarket should work. You could also try flower or veg seeds if you have them already.

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