Fun Friday

Today is the end of another week. I can’t believe how quickly this week has gone. I’ve been in school with Mrs Dickinson today and she has put all of our messages on a slide show. We hope you enjoy watching it and we hope it makes you smile to see all of your friends again. It certainly made us smile. We have had a few problems to get it to play but hopefully if you click on the link below it will take you to a screen. If you look for the play arrow at the bottom the slideshow will play. It does have music on which doesn’t start until the slide just before you see the children.
We are having fun today being a super hero and counting with the evil peas. I’ve also sent you a challenge to find out if you can find a vegetable or fruit that floats.
Have fun, enjoy a rest at the weekend and I hope you enjoy the slide show.

Friday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – j
 Set 2 – or
 Set 3 – i – e

Find a phonics game you enjoy playing on phonics play eg Obb and Bob to practice the sounds you have been learning.

Literacy Can you dress like a superhero? How could you behave like a real – life superhero for a day? Could you help someone? See how many jobs you can do to help your grown-ups to get superhero points! Can you draw a picture of yourself as a superhero and write a sentence to tell me what your super powers are ?


Maths We use White Rose Maths in school. Go to home learning page Summer Week 1 lesson 5

In the tasks you can plant a potato. Let me know if it grows. I planted some at home and keep checking to see if they have grown.

Using the Evil pea sheet cut out the peas and mix them up. How long does it take for you to put them in the correct order. Start 1- 10 then see if you can order the rest.

Use a dice, you could use the one you made. Roll it collect the correct number of peas (you could use peas, buttons or counters.) Roll it again and count how many you have altogether.


Other areas of learning Some of the vegetables might want to escape from the evil peas by swimming away. Can you find out how many of your vegetables float and how many sink ? Try to see how heavy your vegetables are first and predict which ones you think might sink and which ones might float?



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