Friday 12th June

Happy Friday Year 6!

For maths today you will be relieved to know it is your last lesson of algebra until you get to secondary school! Complete the attached maths tasks, calculating equations. If you need any reminding, go back and watch the videos from earlier in the week.


For English I would like you to complete one reading plus comprehension task, one vocabulary task and complete any outstanding tasks.
If you did not complete this week’s writing tasks on reading plus, please complete these today.

I’d like you to have a look at the BBC Bitesize art task

Focus on activity 1. Use the links to the Tate Modern Art Gallery to create your own pop art in the style of Andy Warhol.
You can make a selfie artwork, similar to ‘Marilyn Diptych’, for which you will need a smartphone or a digital camera, a printer, six coloured pens or pencils and paper.
You can also design your own soup can in the style of ‘Campbell’s Soup Cans’, for which you will just need a pencil and paper.

Then I would like you to choose one Rights Respecting task to complete from the school website for this weeks article, all about knowing your rights. Please send your work to the class stream to share with others.

Finally before you have your own fun as it is Friday, it is the final day of sports week and it is all about having fun. I can’t wait to see some of the obstacle courses you design! Good Luck and Goooooooo St.Cuthbert’s!!!

Have a lovely weekend! Stay safe

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