
Hi Year 4,
Today’s activities will include:

BBC Maths – Ordering Decimals
This lesson includes one slideshow and three interactive activities.
Also, take some time to do ‘Times Tables Me’ this week and record the time it takes to complete the 20 or 40 questions you would be choosing if you were in school.

English – Sound Words
To understand what onomatopoeia is and use it to create a sound poem.
This lesson includes one video about onomatopoeia, one video of poet Joseph Coelho talking about onomatopoeia and four activities.

BBC Computing
Learn the basics of computer viruses and malware and practise your typing skills.
This lesson includes one video about how malware and virus can affect your device and four activities to try at home.

Try your best with the activities but not to worry if you struggle just leave it and do something else that you can manage. I continue to want you to be happy and healthy first.

If I can help at all please get in touch.

Once again, I’m looking forward to the fruits of your hard work.

Love Mrs E xxx

Ordering Decimals

Sound Poetry


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