Wednesday 22nd April

Morning everyone,

I hope that you are all well and have had a good night’s sleep.

For maths today, we will be recapping 2d shapes. We will be recapping a circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. I have attached an activity for you. I would like you to name the shapes and then to say how many sides and how many vertices (corners) each shape has. What about a line of symmetry? I have also attached today’s flashbak 4.


For English we will be using the BBC Bitsize again. Go to the link   Today we will beusing adjectivesto describe a settng. I would like you complete activity 1.

Spend some time today finishing off your RE tasks from Monday and Tuesday if you already haven’t. Also, remember to try to have some active time today. do some Jo Wicks, have a walk or a scooter ride or do some supermovers.

Take care
Mrs Wilkinson



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