Wednesday 10th June

Hello year 6, we are halfway through another week. Well done for working hard. Remember to submit your sports day entries. It is important we work as a team. Your contribution could the one that helps take your house group into poll position. Don’t give up!

For maths today, I would you to complete the purple mash input output activity I have set for you to apply what you have been learning this week.
Please let me know if you have misplaced your login.
Once you have practiced using the input, output machine you can choose a gorilla activity, working systematically to code.

For English we are going to revise the importance of a comma. It means the difference between the Big Bad Wolf being invited in for a snack and having grandma as the snack…

“Let’s eat, Grandma” and “Let’s eat Grandma!”

Complete activity 1 and 2.

Thinking about yesterday’s task about the digital revolution, start today by re-watching the video to remind yourself–ks2-explain-this-digital-revolution/zjhfvk7

Then research a digital discovery or invention. How it affected people’s lives? How would it affect us today had it never been invented or discovered?

What digital developments do you think will come next?
Do you have a good idea which could revolutionise the digital world?
I always liked the idea of a self-driving car, but then Google have already began working on prototypes for that, so my idea is not original. Perhaps a quiet hair dryer?
What can you come up with?
Give your invention a title, explain it’s purpose and why it would be revolutionary, then illustrate it so we can visualise your invention (if this is possible).

Finally, remember it is sports week, today is races! If you use real eggs for egg and spoon, please do it outdoors and clean up after yourself if it falls off. Perhaps ask an adult to help you boil the egg before hand to save the mess!

Goooooooo St.Cuthbert’s!!!

Have a good day year 6

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