Tuesday 23rd June

Tuesday 23rd June


Good morning Year 3. How are you today?



Today you be learning about ‘comparing angles’. As always I have also added Year 2 work if you need it. If you are doing Year2 work, you will be learning more about ‘comparing length and height’.



Don’t forget Time Table Rockstars





We are continuing with comprehension tasks today. I will put 2 tasks on. One is a little easier. Choose the one best for you. The green reading today is Year 3. You will be thinking about inference. The story is called Suspicion.

Year 2 reading is about retrieving skills. If you are using this you will be reading Come and Play

Read the extract then answer the questions. Remember to add detail to your answers. Try not to give just one-word answers and don’t begin your sentences with ‘because’.

Practice your spellings if you have a few spare minutes. I have attached a word search if you want to do that.




We are continuing with art today.

For art today you will need string, paper, cardboard, scissors, glue and paint. If you do not have these things, perhaps you could choose something to draw from observation e.g. flowers, fruit, someone in your family.

What have you learned about patterns so far? Which patterns do you think are best? Why? What did you like about it?

Today you will be creating a pattern using printing. Glue a piece of string onto a square of cardboard in a shape you want to use for your

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