Monday 6th July

Hello year 6! I hope you have been enjoying about WW2.

Continuing with our WW2 topic today I would like you to write a letter home as if you were an evacuee, comparing lifestyles and living arrangements and scenery – remember some children from the inner city had never been to the coast or the countryside. Some had never seen farm animals or tractors. Draw on what you learnt from the film you watched on Friday.

For maths today I have attached some problem solving activities to the google classroom. Try your best. If you are finding these too tricky you can go onto and try some problem solving of your own.

For PE today, I would like you to design your own SAQ activities or make a circuit in your garden – something that is going to get your heart rate going, make you sweat and tire you out. Remember to do a warm up and a cool down to prepare your body for the exercise.

Finally, I would like you to explore images of the Blitz from the powerpoint attached to the google classroom from last week and think about the destruction you can see. Can you sketch some images of damaged, streets, buildings or transport – annotate with what colours or media you would use?

Have a good day year 6!

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