Monday 4th May

Hello Year 6.

This week is a little different to previous weeks as we are using it as a lead up to 75th anniversary of V.E Day which is to be celebrated on Friday. V.E day stands for Victory in Europe Day.

V.E Day was observed on May 8, 1945 in Great Britain, Western Europe, the United States and Australia (and on May 9 in the Soviet Union and New Zealand.) V.E Day commemorates the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied forces in 1945, ending World War II in Europe.

Cities, towns and villages across the world celebrated and held great street parties to mark this momentous occasion.

Your work this week will be based around learning more about V.E Day.

To get a better understanding about this day I would like you to watch this BBC video clip

Then read the attached powerpoint and put together some key information about what you now know about V.E day.

For Maths today I would like you to complete our final topical resources task. Mrs Prest scored 36/36, can you beat her?

Then I would like you to look at the Medal on the attached sheet and design your own. You must follow the design specification for your medal and label it with what you have included and why.



Amelia & Luca


Medal design


Click the link to go to the powerpoint about VE Day

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