Tuesday 12th May

Day 2 of what would have been SATs week!

The most relaxed you have been all year when that word is mentioned and that is exactly how it should be. Remember it is not your job to get stressed about anything at all!

You have all made excellent progress in reading thanks to reading plus.

Today you would have been sitting your reading test. 1 hour, 3 different texts and a range of questions. But first… breakfast!

So, I have attached 3 short reading comprehensions which should take you approximately 20 minutes each. Remember if you finish before the hour is up, go back and check your work.  If you are pushed for time, remember to just focus on the first and second comprehension task.

Remember you do not need to print this out, you can just record your answers on paper or on the computer in google docs with the question number next to it.

To prepare for tomorrow I’d like you to go onto Ultimate KS2 SATs revision and revise any areas of maths you are still finding tricky as tomorrow will be maths. Now, as this is not actually your sats, I would really like you to focus on one or two areas you find tricky. This does not have to be arithmetic, it could be area, perimeter, volume, properties of shapes, angles, etc. Let me know what you have been revising.

Remember this is good because if you are unsure, you can click on the youtube icon and watch the demonstration!

Ultimate SATs Revision

Alongside this, use other resources on the school website to practice what you have been learning – maths whizz, gary hall maths etc.

These were the only tasks set out for you today. You now have the rest of the day to yourself to carry out tasks you would enjoy doing to help you relax – art, exercise, cookery, reading, computing etc.

There are Rights Respecting and Science tasks on the school website which give activities which could be fun to complete. Send me any work you do about these.



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