Thursday 9th July

Hello year 6!

Today we are continuing with our problem solving in maths. Give the sheets attached to google classroom a try. If you are struggling you can see if you can beat your personal best on TT Rockstars.

For English I would like you to complete 30 minutes of reading plus.

Today we are going to revisit who Anne Frank was from our comprehension and her experience of hiding from the Nazi’s. Explore pictures attached to google classroom of where she was hiding and read through some of her diary extracts picking out key information. Write a biography about Anne Frank. Use planning sheets and checklist on google classroom  and  use research to complete it in good detail.

For our rights respecting task today we are going to look at how some rights are not met. Read through the powerpoint and complete the activity sheet attached to google classroom.

Finally, I would like you to try some of the code monkey activities on purple mash. Can you debug your own problems?

Have a good day 🙂

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