Monday 22nd June

Monday 22nd June


Good morning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Are you ready to start another week of home learning? Remember to send in your work so I can see how you are getting on. You might also find that some of the other teachers and TA’s might be looking at your work too. If they mark your work, they will let me know how you are doing. While we are all at work teaching in our class bubbles, we are all helping each other out.

Okay lets get started.



Today you be learning about Right angles in shapes. It has been a little while since you have been taught this so just do your best and let me know if you are unsure of anything. As always I have also added Year 2 work if you need it. If you are doing Year2 work, you will be learning more about measuring length and height.

Don’t forget Time Table Rockstars




This week I am going to set you comprehension tasks. I will put 2 tasks on. One is a little easier. Choose the one best for you. The orange is Year 3. The green is Year 2.

Read the extract then answer the questions. Remember to add detail to your answers. Try not to give just one-word answers and don’t begin your sentences with ‘because’.


Words ending in suffix –al

natural         occasional

actual           accidental

medical         national

capital           vocal

sensational     personal

I have attached a look, say, cover, write for you do throughout the week. I have also added the spelling to spelling shed.




We are continuing with art today.

Today you are going to learn to create a pattern using stencils. What are stencils and how do we use them? Go through the slides to see how stencils can be used to make symmetrical, rotated or reflected patterns.

Think about what sort of pattern you are going to make using the stencils on the attached sheet. Can you use different techniques to colour you pattern? Remember how we have practiced shading, stippling, cross-hatching etc.

Have fun with your patterns. Take a picture and send it by email or Google classroom.


Remember to do some active time today. Let me know how you are keeping active.


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