Treasure Tuesday

Well done to you all for the super work you did yesterday. I was very impressed with your super telescopes and ships. Today is Treasure Tuesday and we are thinking about treasure and objects which are special to you. I’m looking forward to find out what you would put into your own treasure chest. I’m also looking forward to see what you can remember about floating and sinking after you tested some of your vegetables. I wonder if you can predict correctly which items will float and sink in your experiment today ?

I’m testing your number brains today don’t forget you can use objects like the treasure boxes to help with your counting. Todays treasure hunt is collecting objects by colour. Don’t forget you don’t need to do everything. I’m in school on Thursday and Friday if you need to get in touch or I’m always in touch through tapestry or by e mail.

Have fun xxx


Tuesday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – sh
 Set 2 – ee
 Set 3 – er

I’ve included a colouring activity to reinforce some tricky words.

There is also a good program on PhonicsPlay which you can use on phones, laptops etc. It is free at the minute. Go to Buried treasure and click on phase 2 or 3. You can choose the sounds you want to revise.

Literacy Today we are thinking about treasure or things that are special to you. What would you put in your treasure chest?  eg it could be a favourite toy, your favourite food. You could write or draw your objects.
Maths Go to Whiterose maths Summer Term Week 2 Day 2 – You have already looked at fruit and vegetables that float and sink. Remember what you learnt and now find 10 objects around your house to test if the float or sink.

Can you work out the addition problems? You could cut out the treasure chests to help you if you need them e.g. 2 + 8 pick up 2 chests and put on the island then pick up 8 chests and put on the island. How many do you have altogether? I’ve included a blank sheet so your grown – ups can give you some extra problems if you want them.

Other areas of learning Can you collect some treasure? Pirates like to collect jewels of different colours. Can you collect objects of different colours from inside or outside using the colour chart? You don’t need to glue the objects onto the sheet if they are too big!



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