Munchy Monday

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. This week our work is going to be based on the story of The Hungry Caterpillar. This was always one of our favourite stories when we were together in school.

Don’t forget you don’t need to do all of the tasks. I know some of you don’t have printers so I’ve tried to give tasks that can be done without one. I also know some grown-ups like you to have sheets to work from so I’ve tried to include some sheets for you to use. You might also have your own ideas you want to explore. If you are confused or need support please don’t hesitate to contact me through tapestry, e mail or ring school I am in on Wednesday morning this week.

One of the tasks is to make a home for a caterpillar. Don’t forget to include food and shelter!

Have fun xx


Monday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – ng
 Set 2 – oo book 
Set 3 – ew

Phonics game – Obb and Bob on Phonics play



Literacy If you don’t have the Hungry caterpillar book you can watch and listen to the story on YouTube.

Think about your favourite food. Can you draw a picture of it and write a sentence to say why you like it ? There is a sheet but you can do it on paper if you don’t have a printer.

Maths Go to Whiterose maths Summer Term Week 3 Day 1 – (w/c 4th May ). The Hungry Caterpillar has lots of circles and patterns in the book. A few weeks ago we looked at the artist Kandinsky who uses circles in his art work. The task today asks you to collect objects from around your house or outside and make a modern art display. You could also cut out some shapes and make your own shape picture.

I’ve included some sheets where you have to count the circles to make a caterpillar. If you haven’t got a printer you could draw some caterpillars on paper. Roll a dice to see how many circles you need to include on your caterpillar.

Other areas of learning Caterpillars can be found outside. Can you go outside and see if you can find any caterpillars?

One way to find caterpillars is to look at leaves on trees and shrubs. If you find holes chewed in the edges or centre of leaves, these holes are usually made by caterpillars or beetles. Can you find the insect that made them, hiding somewhere on the leaf? Look carefully.

Some caterpillars will drop off a leaf if they think they are in danger. They may fall to the ground so they can hide. Some hang by a long thread of silk – like webbing. This makes them hard to reach. They might even get caught by the wind then and blow to another tree.

If you find a caterpillar you might want to make it a special home.


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