Friday 3rd April

Hi everyone,

Wish we were in school having an Easter Egg Hunt and doing some fun end of term things today. But, instead, we’re still all apart.

So, a couple of jobs for you today. I’ve set some Flashback 4s and some maths.

I’d like you to write a letter to a friend or family member you miss. See if you can post it or if not email it. You can share a photo but a letter is personal so you don’t need to share that if you don’t want to.

I’d like you to send me a happy picture. Could be you, could be your family. Let’s make each other smile. Here are two of my happy pics from today.

Finally I would like you to pick a challenge to learn. Obviously, I am focusing mainly on flags and capital cities. What could you challenge yourself to learn over the Easter holidays?

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